Our Mission

Old Soul Canine Rescue is an empathetic, volunteer-driven, non-profit organization that provides time, energy, resources, and space to support senior dogs and expand our community’s compassion footprint.
We honor senior dogs by giving them our best, for the rest of their lives.

Founders & History

Thank you so much for your interest in Old Soul Canine Rescue! We are the founders and Co-Presidents of Old Soul and wanted to share a little bit about how we came together to do this important work. 

We were both kids that held a lot of love in our hearts for all kinds of animals – each of us grew up with smaller animals, but always had dreams of including dogs in our lives! After moving to Colorado in 2003 and 2010 respectively, the change in lifestyle and additional space allowed us to expand our passion to include lots of canine pals. 

We have each appreciated the unique process of supporting dogs as they age – the inevitable changes in behavior, more trips to the vet for care, lots of happiness, some deep sorrow. We learned remarkable lessons that animals can teach us from their immense sensitivity – holding space, listening to another’s feelings, and making intuitive decisions. The invaluable experience of walking beside our dogs through their lives and supporting them as they transitioned into death left an indelible mark on both our hearts.

The desire for our dogs to be treated with dignity and respect while living their best lives, led us to explore what had become a shared passion – to be ambassadors and guardians for senior dogs. In this spirit, we came together to create something bigger than ourselves and founded Old Soul Canine Rescue in October 2021. Old Soul is an empathetic, volunteer-driven organization that provides time, energy, resources, and space to support senior dogs and expand our community’s compassion footprint. We honor senior dogs by giving them our best, for the rest of their lives.

The idea of expanding our compassion footprint through this work has become a fundamental part of Old Soul’s principles and was introduced by author Marc Bekoff in his book, The Animals’ Manifesto:

The central theme of The Animals’ Manifesto is that humans and animals are basically good, empathic, compassionate, and fair beings, and that we can all do more to act on behalf of animals. In this book, I develop the notion of the “compassion footprint.” I show how we can expand our compassion footprint as we make every attempt to take better care of the animal beings with whom we share our planet. – Marc Bekoff (Expanding Our Compassion Footprint, Greater Good Magazine, May 20, 2010)

Through Old Soul, we seek out like-minded people that welcome the experience of acting as a champion for senior dogs with their whole being – we hope you will join us on this adventure. 

Always for the dogs,
Rachel Schaub & Jasper Webb,
Founders & Co-Presidents

Expanding our compassion footprint one canine soul at a time 🐾

Meet our Visionaries

Rachel Schaub

Rachel Schaub


About Rachel...

Ever since I can remember, I have had strong feelings of empathy and compassion for animals. They hold a unique space in my heart. I grew up with small critters – hamsters, birds, bunnies, and cats – and as soon as I was able, I adopted a dog, Emma. My journey with her and all of the subsequent dogs that have been in my life – Tiva, Penny, Greta, and Rosie – have led me to this time and place. They shaped who I am today – someone with the desire to help those that don’t have a voice and can’t help themselves. They all taught me invaluable lessons in how to hold space and really listen to those silent voices that surround me.

Old Soul Canine Rescue is a culmination of my personal experiences with animals and my desire for them to be treated with dignity and respect. I want people to understand that humanity is no better or more intelligent than any other living being. They just speak in their own unique languages. We need to be open to receiving their messages and helping them in whatever ways we can. It’s the least we can do for the unconditional love and knowledge that they give to us. I believe that through this work we can expand our community’s compassion footprint, one canine soul at a time.

Jasper Webb

jasper webb


About Jasper...

When I moved to Colorado in 2010, my lifestyle and space finally allowed for me to have dogs. I foster failed with my first personal dog and helped place his mate and 9 puppies with loving families. I already knew that I wanted to have as much exposure to as many dogs as possible, so a couple years later I was ready for my second addition to the pack. That’s where Jackson came in, an enormous senior American Bulldog stray that had a horrible upper respiratory infection and moved at a snail’s pace. It was love at first sight and senior animals became my passion.

I now live on 35 acres and bought the property with the intention of having an animal sanctuary as part of the property’s design and had slowly been crafting a plan. I couldn’t have been more delighted when Rachel reached out with her own dream about senior dogs and from the synchronicity of our aspirations came Old Soul. It has been a literal dream come true! I am so excited to share our vision with the larger community and fulfill our collective vision of supporting senior dogs by giving them our best for the rest of their lives.

Jennie McLaughlin


About Jennie...

 I am a Colorado native, and was raised with animals of all varieties including fish, birds, rodents, reptiles and dogs. I am a Certified Therapy Dog Handler with my beautiful senior Colorado Mountain Dog, Gracie.

My mom’s golden retriever, Cassie, joined our family at 16 when my mom passed away. She was so gentle and loving, and despite a multitude of health issues and the disruption in her life, she learned our routines and fit right in with the other family dogs here in the mountains. She died a year later on my mom’s birthday. My sweet Boomer came into my life at age 2. He became became my shadow within days and gave me his best 12 years. He had impeccable health until his final year. Despite the obvious pain and discomfort he was in, that beautiful old gray face would gaze at me with complete adoration. Sometimes I feel like Peter Pan, having lost my shadow, but he will always live in my heart.

Dogs are there for us at all times, good and bad, easy and difficult. I believe that humans need to reciprocate that loyalty and fervor especially when a dog enters their golden years. I joined Old Soul Canine Rescue to help ensure that senior dogs live out the remainder of their lives protected and cherished.

Katrina Harms


About Katrina...

A little over 20 years ago, I was given a puppy after moving to a cabin outside of Nederland. It was for my “protection and company,” according to my friend. Jack was my first pet as an adult. Not wanting to be “that person” with an out-of-control dog, I spent time and money on training and education for both of us. He was challenging, but my best friend and I learned much about dogs and me. After he passed, I didn’t want a dog as I knew how much work it takes, but I missed the guy and started fostering. This led to dog sitting, which keeps me happily in dogs as much as I want.

I work in human services and know firsthand how important pets can be to people emotionally and mentally. Many people who would benefit from that companionship can’t start with puppies or young, energetic dogs; they would do great with older, calmer dogs. When Rachel and Jasper asked me to join Old Soul Canine Rescue, I couldn’t refuse. I want to help facilitate older dogs’ paths to permanent, loving homes. I have 10+ years of experience on non-profit boards or as executive director of non-profit organizations. I’ve been a bookkeeper for several non-profit and for-profit businesses, and I’m excited to be on this journey with the founders and other board members.